Thursday, February 11, 2010

A bunch of stuff

So basically I can't seem to keep my word about writing in here as often as I'd like to. Aside from being busy, I have been suffering from a mad case of writer's block! With that said, I think I received the anecdote for writer's block today for at least the time being. It shouldn't come down to this all the time though.
I had one of those days today where I experienced emotional stuff and a whole bunch of it all at once; where I just had no idea what to make of it. Times like these are when the writer's block takes a break for a while and I fall deep in thought.
For lack of a better word, I was a bitch today. It happens but I really did not have a good reason for it this time. I made plenty of excuses for my bad attitude but the reality was, I was choosing to be miserable today. "Little Miss Sunshine" decided to be a cloud today. Not cool, my friends. I'm usually the one who promotes positive thinking and I just didn't care today.
There wasn't anyone who said or did anything at all even remotely unkind to me today. Actually everyone was ridiculously nice to me today. At work, there was a little going away party for me (since it was my last day there today)...I got a beautiful card from the staff and a teddy bear. They bought me a delicious cake. I was supposed to hang out with a dear friend of mine today and I didn't go.
I have an amazing boyfriend who treats me like gold. I have nothing to be upset about, really.
Not really sure what was up today. Whatever it was, was just not cool at all. I am glad though that I was able to stop and think about it and realize that even "Miss Sunshine" needs to be careful. I ruined a perfect day for absolutely nothing.
Sure, being on a diet and exercising isn't fun for my personality but that is no reason not to be happy and to ruin a great day.
Well in conclusion, I've learned a valuable lesson today and just thought I'd share that for those who are following. :)

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