Saturday, November 7, 2009

In Medias Res

Sometimes I have a difficult time coming up with something to write about. I'll log onto my blog or sit down to work on my book and I just have no idea where I want to go with it. I logged on here today and noticed that I haven't added an entry since October 16th and thought, "wow, that's not cool." I usually have a lot to say. I guess basically I've been just in the middle of things lately and not really sure where I'm going. I guess a lot of us can relate to that so I figured I would write about it. There are times in our lives where things seem to just all get kind of crazy all at once and everything just starts to change. It's not necessarily a bad thing but to be honest, it can be a little scary. Sometimes you get faced with some really difficult decisions where you know what the right thing to do is but its still not the best choice for your situation. Well that is where I'm at now. I made the right choice but it was one of those where you actually have to take a hit in order to do the right thing. I still did what is right but I'll be the first one to admit that its not really easy sometimes. This was a little extreme. I'm glad that I was able to stand up for my faith like that but the consequences of it so far have not been enjoyable at all. It's one thing for people to say "oh she's crazy" and laugh about it, its another when they say "WHAT?! YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" and they are screaming at you. The latter is what I've had to get used to hearing in my life especially lately. But the thing is, we see the puzzle pieces all scattered about and they look really messed up. Sometimes we feel like we are falling to pieces. God's great at putting puzzles together and while we just see the pieces, He sees the finished puzzle. So we are trying to figure all of these things out in the meantime and try to put it together by ourselves without a picture to look at...Quite frankly, it just doesn't work. That's alright though. I decided that no matter how weird things get, I'm just going to keep praying and just trust that God is going to put it all together. It doesn't have to make sense to me. That's where faith and trust comes to play and it seems like lately those two things are getting put to the test. I am not always patient and I get worried sometimes but I'm not giving up and I know that somehow its all gonna come together. As for today's title, I decided to go a little classical (not to mention really random) and throw in some Latin for the theme of my life "In Medias Res" = "In the Middle of Things."

1 comment:

  1. Hey, so I know this sounds really positively negative but I'm really alright. I trust that things are going to work out. I just struggle with patience and getting worried when they do not work out in my time frame but that's life and I'm used to that. :) No worries.
