Friday, October 16, 2009

Bad Parenting Live!

I had to laugh yesterday as I was sitting on my break watching the president on CNN when a "Special Report" had come through. The timing was perfect. The president was talking about how we should be there for children and talking about parenting and the importance of that and the news break came through about the boy and the balloon. My first thought was, "speaking of bad parenting, why the hell was a six year old on a roof?!" If you ever want to see examples of bad parenting, just watch the news. Somewhere in each horrible situation, someone was neglected at some point in their childhood. But back to the balloon story. This was fascinating to me. Not just the bad parenting but the attention given to the entire situation. My callers at work were even commenting on it. I hate CNN even more now but that is a whole topic of its own... My theory from the get go as soon as I heard what was happening was that the child was hiding. Think about it...when we were all young and did something that we shouldn't have, we hid. We would know that we were in for it. When the balloon came down and he wasn't in there, it was obvious to me that he definitely was hiding. Also, why was there a balloon on the house anyway? Obviously the son's apparent quest for attention is in the family genes. The father obviously is a wack job and needs serious mental counseling and parenting lessons. If you don't believe me, google him and see for yourselves.

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