Thursday, May 28, 2009

"As they make up their minds to be."

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." ~ (Abraham Lincoln)
I start my entry today with a quote from Abraham Lincoln. I used this quote on my facebook today. I recently started leaving a random quote of the day at some point each day as my facebook status. The above quote I found just before I started working on today's blog entry. Sometimes I just need a topic and that is one I can work with.
If "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be," then people seem to be very cruel to themselves. I have noticed the last few years that our minds are a very powerful part of our lives whether we want to admit it or not. I believe that we need to at some point of every day make a conscious decision of whether or not we are going to have a good day. It actually happens several times but its so quick we do not even notice it. I had this pointed out to me when I was 18 because I used to be one of the most negative people that I know. Now, people call me sunshine. Why? I decide to be happy. Am I perfect at this, no, not by a long shot. I still have horrible things happen that I cannot change. I have learned that even when bad things happen to change the way I think about it.
It is true that what we think, effects how we feel, which effects how we act. If we think something negative about someone, we get upset at them, and we might end up hating them. If you burn you hand, you think hot!!! Ow!, and then it hurts and you move your hand away. No matter what the situation, its a three step process of think, feel, act/react. So you cannot change people, they have to choose to change or God has to intervene and bless them with a change of heart. All you can do is change the way you think about them and pray for them. I get sick and tired of hearing people say that they can change people. You can't. You can change the way you think about them. That's it. Just like nobody can change you unless you decide to change. So think positive, feel positive, act positive, and decide to be happy.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things that I need to do is actually have a topic to start with because lately I am just throwing this stuff together.I will try to be a little more interesting soon. :)
